Wednesday, 24 September 2014

Lets Go Walking!!

'M’s mobility has been coming along great, here are a few more shots along her journey!

18th June – Creating uneven terrain for 'M' to manage

23rd July – Pulling herself up to stand at every opportunity

26th August – Exploring different levels and climbing opportunities outside

27th August – Standing and taking some steps with minimal assistance

23rd September – SHE’S WALKING!! Fantastic achievement for her, she’s also very quickly mastered getting herself stood up without any assistance. Well done 'M'!!

Friday, 19 September 2014

Water Play and Potions in the Garden

A lovely morning spent in the outside kitchen, some water, a few different sized containers and a bit of bubble mixture. Lots of scooping, pouring and exploring!

'M' demonstrated great pouring skills, seeing the water miss the container to start off with and then she moved her arm to get it going in the right place. Lots of transferring between different cups and jugs over and over, scooping up bubbles and stirring round and round.