Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Oylmpic Torch!!

Well it's been coming for quite some time, it's been pretty much everywhere already but we were still excited to see it coming through our home town!!

Baby 'A', little 'C' and I packed up some bits for a trip into town! We found a really good spot near the beginning of it's route through town so got front row seats!!
 Police escorts...lots of them!

 Coca-cola truck!!
 ummm...some people on scooters, not really sure what they were about...

 My boys sat watching just in amazement I think!
 This nice policeman stopped to say hello to the pre-school group across the road from us
 Baby 'A' was being kept amused by these blow up torches!


 There it is!!!

 Lots of security men!
It was very busy in town I'm glad we got a spot near the beginning!

After all the excitement we wondered down to the library to look at some books and then a quick drink and snack at a cafe in town, the boys were both pretty tired after all that so we went home for sleeps!

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Happy Fourth of July!!

Little 'C' in my setting is American and I live in a village which houses lots of American Air Force families  so I thought it would be nice to have a big American day and I invited http://wormseye-view.blogspot.co.uk/ along too!!
We started off with a little basket of American bits to explore

'E' found an eagle which he then played with for the rest of the morning, asking what they eat and where they live. He also found a shark in the other animal basket and became engrossed in telling us all how the eagle would swoop down and grab the shark out of the sea and eat him for lunch!!

I've had this lovely Native American play set for a little while now, it's not quite 'Fourth of July' but I've been waiting to get it out so thought why not today!!

I decorated the living room with these hand and foot prints, we had used these last month as a Union Jack for the Jubilee

Quick snack of cut up bananas, strawberries and blueberries!!

Next, time for some drawing and painting!
 Baby 'A' has not quite grasped the idea of what drawing is about yet, he keeps wanting to suck the pens rather than having connected the pen with the marks it makes but we'll keep on practicing!!
 Good concentration here from little 'L'
'E' did such a good job at colouring in each of those little stars! He worked very hard on his picture.

Next we did some stamping with a couple of star cookie cutters
Little 'L' and 'R' did very well at sharing the paint and taking turns with the big and little stamps
We then turned these stamp pictures into lanterns but I didn't get a picture before they took them home

Lunch Time!!!
We had Hot Dogs, pretzels, cream cheese bagels and dried cranberries mmmmmm

We also had some cranberry juice to drink

Lovely face 'L' is pulling here!!

We got the Atlas out over lunch to show everyone what America looks like and where Texas is, as that is where little 'C' was born (and so was my big brother!!). We spoke about how Texas is bigger than the whole of England!

For pudding we had warm thick pancakes with maple syrup and more blueberries, these were a BIG hit!!

After lunch the children went off for another quick play before home time

'L' is going through a little phase where she screams if another child touches her and I think she had just been told off for it here but I wanted to put this photo in anyway because she looks cute in the garland! hehe

We had a few balloons around which are always popular!

A lovely day was had by all, I'm definitely going to do some more 'country days' in the future!!