Friday, 27 January 2012

Discovering Shadows

I had one of those moments today which reminded me why I do what I do!

After the last few days of pretty grotty weather around here, it was really lovely to have a break in the clouds which brought a moment of discovery for little 'C' when he saw something on the wall . . . . MOVING!!

Ooo what's that?
Can I pick it up...?
Oh look it sat down with me!
...hummm it's not over here...
wow! It copies everything I do!!
This is quite cool!!

It's so magical to watch little ones make these discoveries for the first time, it really warms my heart xx

Saturday, 14 January 2012

Another Welcome!!

To.... Baby 'A'!!
He's just hit 7 months old and such a cutie!! He's very happy and easy going, we've spent some of this week exploring our red basket.

He also loves a trip to the park!
'A' is just about able to sit up but still occasionally wobbles so he spends time in the baby gym, or the inflatable play ring and 'C' likes to stop by for a visit!!  
He's rolling about all over the place at the moment so he's never where I put him for long!

So a big welcome to baby 'A'!! I'm looking forward to watching you learn and grow in the coming months!!